Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis Tools

See below for the ever-expanding TOP-SET resource library to assist with your problem solving.

Here you can find articles and papers on relevant topics and various incident investigation resources, all of which have been specifically designed to help make your investigations more efficient and effective. These root cause analysis and investigation tools are designed to complement the development practices taught in the TOP-SET Investigation Courses. However, if you haven’t attended a course, please do not worry; they should work equally well to expand your existing knowledge and skills.

The Practical Handbook of Investigation : An Essential Resource For Any Investigator

Find out more about Kelvin TOP-SET Professional Incident Investigation Courses and why many of the world’s leading companies use the TOP-SET system.

Should there be any other incident investigation or root cause analysis tools that you would like to see here, please contact us to let us know.

Kelvin TOP-SET Investigation Services

Kelvin TOP-SET Papers



The purpose of a report is to communicate. Your job, therefore, is to create a straightforward piece of writing which, step-by-step, conveys to readers clearly and unambiguously what happened, why, and your recommendations. An investigation is pointless if you do not do this. Continue reading.

Don’t rush into the interview. Make sure you have thought of questions you want to ask and what you need to know. But be flexible; be able to follow where the interviewee leads if it seems likely to yield information. Continue reading.

Do not ‘go it alone’ if you can avoid it. Good investigation requires discussion and it is all too easy to agree with yourself! Different types of people see things from different perspectives and in investigation you want to make use of this. Continue reading.

It is important that you do not rush into the analysis before really checking that you have done all you can to gather the information you need. Some individuals are more likely than others to go for closure, the solution, before all the investigating has been exhausted. Continue reading.

Investigators often rush in immediately and do not give time to thinking through the best way forward: people to be involved in the team, timing of task, who to do what etc. Nothing is gained and much is lost by proceeding in a rushed or haphazard fashion. Continue reading.

Nobody likes writing reports. Nobody really likes writing anything; this applies to professional writers as much (if not more) than to the rest of us who have to write to communicate, on top of our other responsibilities. Continue reading.

Nothing is obvious. Most of your information comes from people. Never try to prove a hypothesis; try to disprove it. Continue reading.

Causality is the admission that you are the source of your manifestations i.e. that things do not just ‘happen’ to you or in your environment. In other words, everything that you attract into your world is coming at you because of something you are projecting out into that world. Continue reading.

Andrew Morton, Senior Tutor at Kelvin TOP-SET, explores the definition of Root Cause Analysis taken directly from Wikipedia.

It is worth considering because an appreciation of the errors made in the definition should strengthen our understanding of the fundamentals of RCA. Continue reading.

Change and failure are fundamental to every incident. Without change(s) and failure(s) there would be NO incident. Every good investigator will be looking for both changes and failures, but as they do, they should keep in mind that all changes are not failures, and all failures are not changes! Continue reading.

The TOP-SET system of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) has been refined over many years and leads the world in terms of both its simplicity and effectiveness;  Continue reading.

Kelvin TOP-SET MD DAVID RAMSAY tells RAIL why the company is the leading authority in incident investigation.  Continue reading.

If you think safety is expensive, try having an accident. Kelvin TOP-SET Infographic about the real costs of accidents in the workplace. Click Infographic for larger view.

Invest in Prevention through Investigation.

An example of the real costs of an accident in the workplace.

Downloadable Investigation & Root Cause Analysis Tools

Incident Report Form

Free Incident Report Form for you to download, share and use as you see fit to improve the recording of incidents in your organisation.

Incident Costing Calculator

Use this simple tool to work out the real costs of incidents in the workplace.

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