elearning Courses

Kelvin TOP-SET elearning online courses offer the flexibility and freedom to work through them in your own time, as well as the option to have many people trained quickly and simultaneously, if that’s your goal. No prior knowledge is required.

We offer short yet engaging 3-hour modules that focus knowledge and skills on key areas of incident investigation, such as Root Cause Analysis (RCA). The courses contain interactive exercises with feedback and tests to embed and check learning. Certificates are received upon successful completion.

For those wishing to grasp the basics of investigation and the TOP-SET method or practise specific investigation skills, this is a quick and easy solution. Find out more about each course below.

TOP-SET Cloud Classroom Introductory Investigator Course1

e-Investigation Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals of the straightforward, logical and practical TOP-SET Incident Investigation method by completing interactive exercises, quizzes and tests. With a foundational understanding of this structured approach to problem solving, users can formulate solutions to learn from and prevent repeat issues, thus saving valuable time and resources.

Elearning course cost dependent on number of licences

TOP-SET Cloud Classroom Incident Investigation Course2

e-RCA Root Cause Analysis

Learn how to effectively conduct a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and practise and perfect RCA thinking whilst enhancing your problem-solving skills. The elearning course can be completed online in approximately 4 hours and requires no prior knowledge of Root Cause Analysis.

It is suitable for anyone who may be involved in incident investigation and for those who simply wish to gain a better grasp of the fundamentals of good RCA. Participants are awarded the Kelvin TOP-SET e-RCA Root Cause Analysis certificate on successful completion of the elearning course.

£90 per person for 90 days of access
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