As a leading provider of incident investigation solutions, we at Kelvin TOP-SET recognise our responsibility to balance business success with economic, social and environmental stewardship. Our commitment to excellence and integrity guides us as we work towards balancing today’s needs with protecting future resources.
Kelvin TOP-SET is an Employee-Owned Trust delivering Incident Investigation training and services to leading global companies in high-risk industries. We teach people how to use our unique Incident Investigation and Problem-Solving Methodology to investigate and learn from incidents, ultimately improving health, safety, quality, business and environmental performance.
As such, learning and improvement are central to everything we do ourselves, and that includes our continued efforts towards environmental sustainability. To help us reach our company sustainability ambitions and goals, we have aligned our efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), demonstrating our commitment to global sustainability priorities.

Our Initial Focus
One of the main areas of focus on our sustainability journey is our commitment to achieving Net-Zero by 2050 – aligning with SDG 13: Climate Action. Climate change is a real and immediate threat for us all; carbon dioxide (CO2) levels have already reached their highest level for almost half a million years and are rising faster than ever. Like all businesses, Kelvin TOP-SET has a key role to play in mitigating the effects of climate change, both as an employer and through the services we provide. We have started our sustainability journey through the process of science-based measuring of our carbon footprint to identify and assess baseline emissions.
Prior to the baseline assessment, we implemented low-carbon emitting technical developments such as online courses, digital investigation tools, the TOP-SET App, and remote investigations – aligning with SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Following the baseline assessment, we now have an in-depth reduction strategy in place to allow us to reduce our emissions year on year, setting targets and goals to reach our Net-Zero ambitions, in line with SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy.
This strategy includes measures such as switching to REGO (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin) -backed, 100% renewably sourced electricity, implementing a salary-sacrifice scheme for Electric Vehicles and installing an EV charging point. We also ensure that our assessment of business travel is in line with the sustainable travel hierarchy to build sustainable company practices by working closely with our supply chains, aligning with SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.
Long-term Sustainability Goals
However, some of the targets for reduction are longer term; reaching Net-Zero will not happen overnight. The largest category of our emissions is business travel activities (55% of total carbon inventory). Our operations require a large amount of business travel where many in-person incident investigation training sessions and investigations cannot currently, and practically, be performed digitally. Kelvin TOP-SET has a global client base and servicing this often requires a large amount of air travel.
We recognise that to reduce the emissions from our business travel, but at the same time not reduce the number of flights taken, we are dependent on future changes within the aviation industry. Rather than offset these emissions by purchasing carbon credits, Kelvin TOP-SET took the decision to donate to and work with a local project called the Irvine Clean Up Crew as part of our commitment to SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 14: Life Below Water and 15: Life on Land. Irvine Clean Up Crew is a volunteer-led, community group committed to enhancing the quality of life for everyone who lives, works and plays in the local Irvine area through promoting civic pride, environmental cleanups of local beaches and rivers, as well as educational outreach.
Our sustainability journey reflects our ongoing dedication to improvement and innovation as we work alongside our partners to create positive change. By understanding our environmental impact, setting ambitious targets, and implementing bold company sustainability initiatives, we are driving progress towards a low-carbon, greener and more sustainable future. We will continue to align our efforts with global sustainability priorities, collaborate with stakeholders, and communicate our progress with transparency. Together, we can create a world where business success goes together with environmental stewardship.