5 Reasons to Choose the TOP-SET Incident Investigation Methodology
The advantages of using a robust and effective method of investigation to investigate incidents are manifold. It has become a critical component of any high-performing organisation because it not only leads to better incident prevention and the protection of individual lives and wellbeing, but also the creation and sustainability of a learning safety culture. Additionally, good investigation practice can help with following health and safety regulations and standards, and with overall organisational efficiency and productivity.
To enable this, it is best to adopt one unified approach company-wide, and it is important to have expert capability within your organisation; incident investigation training is an integral part of any training matrix. Selecting the right one is paramount for organisations committed to continuous improvement and risk mitigation, but there are so many investigation methods to choose from; how do you know which is best for you?
The Kelvin TOP-SET Methodology has been developed and honed using nearly four decades of experience at the forefront of incident investigation and training. It is a complete incident investigation process that can meet all of your investigation requirements and help you gain the advantages mentioned above. We understand that different roles in the organisation require different levels of skills; TOP-SET is taught on all of our training courses at whichever level or in whichever medium is required.
Here are 5 reasons to choose TOP-SET as your incident investigation methodology:
1. Easy to Use
Investigation doesn’t need to be complicated, especially when incidents appear to be. TOP-SET is a clear and straightforward tool that guides you through each stage of the process so that no important steps are missed, saving everyone time. An easy-to-use method of investigation means that all trained individuals can get on with the job of investigating knowing that they are capable and that the process is effective. This means faster adoption across your organisation, consistency in the investigation process, and improved communication between team members. TOP-SET gets to the core of how to approach investigation.
2. Jargon Free
Following on from the previous point, we also avoid using complicated and ambiguous jargon. Not only is this accessibility important because TOP-SET is used worldwide, but people at all levels/roles in an organisation will be collaborating, sometimes without subject-matter expertise, meaning a clear and shared language is necessary for understanding the process and its results. Our intention is not to confuse or impress individuals, but to make the methodology as simple as possible to understand, follow and, ultimately, put into practice.
3. Comprehensive
TOP-SET is a complete investigation and problem-solving system, not just a root cause analysis tool. The 6-step process covers every aspect important to getting accurate and actionable results, from the initial reporting of an incident and investigation planning, to data gathering, analysis, reporting, and making recommendations and SMART actions.
You will also learn about the concept of investigation safety on all of our courses as a foundation to learning about and conducting the actual investigation process. All your investigation training needs can be met by one provider and, as a result, those attending can be fully trained in all the skills and knowledge needed to carry out investigations (depending on which level of course is attended). We therefore believe that TOP-SET is the most comprehensive incident investigation methodology and training available.
4. Easy to Roll Out
Using a consistent approach to incident investigation is important to its effectiveness, so it is better if one methodology can be used internally and, if appropriate, company-wide. TOP-SET training is easy to roll out because, not only do we offer online elearning courses and Cloud Classroom courses if numerous team members in various locations need to be upskilled, but courses delivered in person (either in-house or open) are available as the 1-Day Investigator Course or the 3-Day Senior Investigator Course. Those trained as Senior Investigators can then have the opportunity to train as internal tutors; a cost effective way to take control and roll out training internally.
5. Consistent
This then means that the approach to investigating or problem solving within your organisation will be consistent, resulting in metrics and recommendations that can be easily integrated with your own processes. TOP-SET can also be applied whatever the level or seriousness of the incident because the actual investigation methodology itself is systematic and consistent. You complete the full process of investigation: planning before jumping in, collecting the right data and analysing it effectively, so root causes will be accurate. There is also objectivity built in, which reduces the chance of any bias driving certain results. Therefore, serious events; slips, trips or falls; near misses or even things that went well can all be investigated the same way. Consistency in the method also means that TOP-SET can be applied in any industry, from rail, renewable energy, oil and gas, to construction, airports or the marine sector.
Hopefully these 5 points have helped you decide that choosing the Kelvin TOP-SET Incident Investigation methodology for your training needs could be right for you. It is a globally recognised, comprehensive system that can significantly enhance your organisation’s approach to incident analysis and prevention because it is user friendly, accessible, consistent and easy to roll out so that everyone in the organisation that needs to investigate, or be involved in it, can be ready to act.
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your training needs or to book a course.