Risk Assessment

In light of our responsibility for protecting associate tutor health and safety as far as reasonable practical, (in line with the requirements of our health and safety requirements – the ISO 45001 standard), we would like all associate tutors to read over the risk assessment documents below.

This is required on a biennial (once every two years) basis.

Once you have done this, and if you’re happy with their contents, please fill in the form below and click the ‘accept’ checkbox.

If you have any queries about staff health and safety, any concerns, or if there is anything that you think should be added, deleted, or amended in the risk assessments, please let us know.

As a company, we have identified that it is tutors and investigators travelling widely to often remote or dangerous places, alone, that present the greatest set of risks to people working for Kelvin TOP-SET. We hope we have comprehensively identified and addressed the risks in the risk assessments, but any ideas you might have as to how we could improve what we are doing are welcome.



Manual Handling
Wheeled Work Equipment Push and Pull
Pushing or Pulling Loads Without Wheels
Lone Working & Travel
Road Use
Conducting Courses and Investigations (outwith Irvine office)
Conducting Courses in Irvine
Minimising Spread of Virus
Coronavirus measures (for client reference)

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