Incident Management for Amey
Amey, a leading consulting and infrastructure support service provider, has been using the Kelvin TOP-SET method for over ten years to provide a consistent, structured approach to dealing with its incident management. With Amey’s varied portfolio it provides the teams with a flexible-enough structure that can be used to investigate any type of incident.
How Amey embraces incident management
Over the years, due to organisational changes and the loss of key personnel, the full adoption of the Kelvin TOP-SET method to investigate incidents has varied. With the Environmental Services Executive team’s full backing, the environmental services division is leading the way with its incident management two-year strategy. Leading that strategy is Nikki Curtis, Head of HSEQ Environmental Services. Since Nikki was appointed, the whole incident management process has been turned on its head and a suite of aids and procedures have been put in place to support and guide operations when an incident occurs. Kelvin TOP-SET is the foundation to the creation of the incident management tool kit, which is now available for operations to utilise. It consists of:
In-House TOP-SET Training:
Key audiences such as supervisors, managers and directors are offered 1-Day of Kelvin TOP-SET training delivered by Nikki herself. The benefit of Nikki delivering the training ensures it is made relevant to our ever-changing business through her exposure to constantly reviewing the different incidents occurring within the business. It also enables Nikki to control the way the training is delivered in a consistent manner. As a next step the training has been extended out to our legal, quality, commercial and finance colleagues so they can start using it as a problem-solving tool; it is being very well received.
So far, over 300 people have been trained by Nikki in Amey and the community will continue to grow throughout 2018.
Amey Testimonial
“The Kelvin TOP-SET training is hugely important for our organisation. I found it applies to any type of work stream whether it be operations or commercial. What brought the training alive was the passion and commitment that Nikki emulated. It wasn’t difficult to be enthused about wanting to adopt the methodology.” Justine Mannino, Quality Business Partner

Management Operations: each account appoints a BUIC (Business Unit Incident Coordinator). Their role is to oversee the investigations ensuring resources are available, it is being handled properly and the investigators are fully supported. A minimum of two investigators will conduct the investigation, often one will be from another contract to provide the devil advocates approach.
Executive: Every two-months the executive team meets for the day to discuss all-things health, safety and environment-wise. IRGs (Incident Review Group) are also held where operational management teams are invited to present an in-depth review of an incident; this includes the root cause analysis. Several Executive team members have attended the in-house TOP-Set 1-Day course, giving them a full understanding of the methodology which enables them to comprehensively review the root cause analysis. By doing this it enables the team to collate the lessons learned and provide the correct support to ensure improvements are made and thus reduce recurring incidents.
Immediate response to incidents: it is a requirement, when any incidents occur, for a one-day report to be completed usually by the BUIC. This gives management both locally and at the exec-level the assurances that the incident is being fully reviewed. There is also a 5-day report which provides management with a fuller picture of what is happening with the investigation and to track its progress.
Incident management wall chart: To make the process easier for the operations to understand the documented procedures has been adapted into a pictorial roadmap which outlines all the necessary actions to be completed once an incident has occurred. It has been designed so managers and supervisors can display them on their walls for easy access.

Incident management wall chart used by the operations as a check list to ensure all actions have been completed.
What’s next for Amey?
The next step is to roll out a three-day workshop aimed at:
Incident Management is an evolving art within Amey; constantly learning the lessons creates an ethos of continuous improvement. The relationship with Kelvin TOP-SET forms a vital part of this evolution.
Contact Info
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions, to make a booking enquiry or to arrange for a presentation to learn more, and our team will get back to you shortly.