Andrew Morton, Kelvin TOP-SET Senior Tutor, reports on his recent trip to Athens where he led a 3-Day Senior Investigator course followed by a Tutor Development course for the Attiki Gas Supply Company;
I was delighted to be called upon to tutor for Kelvin TOP-SET in Athens. The Attiki Gas Supply Company is a small company, with just over 300 employees. They oversee the supply of gas to Attica, a historic area which includes the city of Athens and its suburbs. So, it says a great deal about the company, and its management, that it has taken the steps to ensure it has a proper and effective investigation system to standardise the process in every respect from start to finish – from planning right through to reporting with recommendations.
Shell, as a part owner of the company, has supported and encouraged this development, and all credit goes to their representative in the company, Rinus Snippe, who initiated and expedited the process.
What a pleasure it is to teach in a new country, with people who are keen to learn. And to be honest, that’s always the case. We rarely have participants on our courses who don’t want to be there. Even when we do, they quickly change their minds when they start to engage with the steps and techniques, which are straightforward, simple to use, but nevertheless challenging on a variety of levels.